Tommy Crow b. 1966

Language: Amargay/Mardgany
Region: Cunumulla, QLD

Tommy Crow was born in 1966 in Cunumulla, in southwest Queensland.


Tommy is a highly creative and talented individual who paints and plays didgeridoo professionally for corporate events and Festivals in both Australia and overseas, having performed at locations from Germany to Disney World, Florida to the Sydney Opera House.


Tommy’s painting style is highly individualistic, called Sunset Dreaming, which he says came to him in a dream. His Uncle Lenny in Charleville taught Tommy to paint he captures the brilliant colours of the desert sunsets and in the foreground, he depicts figures in ceremony, native animals and rocky outcrops. Tommy’s paintings are evocative of the desert landscape, capturing the essence of his ancestral country.


Tommy also invests 10% from the sale of his “Sunset Dreaming” series and it is held in a trust to further education, training, employment and healthy living opportunities for Indigenous Australians.

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