Imitjala Curley b. 1953



Imitjala Curley was born in 1953 in Pukatja (Ernabella) in the APY Lands of South Australia. She grew up around Ernabella Mission, which operated as a sheep station until the Presbyterian Church took over the pastoral lease in 1937. Some years later, the family moved to Kaltjiti, formerly known as Fregon, after it was established in 1961 as a cattle station. Imitjala has been developing her artmaking practice since the early 1960s, when she began working in the craft room of Kaltjiti Arts. She only began painting on canvas in 2009, and since then has contributed artwork to several important exhibitions. She is a well-collected artist, instantly recognisable by her intuitive and gestural brushwork style.  


Imitjala is a respected Pitjantjatjara elder and senior traditional woman. She is the custodian for many important Dreaming stories including the Ngintaka (Lizard-man), Ngapari (Sugar Leaf at Watarru), and the Minyma Kututja story from Walytjitjata, a small homeland just over the Northern Territory border. Imatjala is connected to the Walytjitjata Dreaming, Kampurparpa Tjukurrpa, through her mother.  


Imitjala was married to Ken Curley, now deceased, and has five children, some who have become esteemed artists in their own right, such as her daughters Maria, Madeline and Meredith Curley.  

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